RACING Queensland Limited (RQL) has engaged Deloitte to undertake a Sustainability Review of the racing industry, both overall and on a per code basis, in Queensland.

The Sustainability Review will provide an insight into the current state of the racing industry and will allow the formulation of effective strategy with which to influence the future direction of racing in Queensland.

Deloitte has prepared an Industry Information Paper that assesses the recent performance of the industry. A number of trends and issues emerge from this paper regarding the future sustainability of the industry and RQL and Deloitte are seeking industry input regarding the issues raised in the paper to inform the review.

A website has been set up at to publish review material and the Industry Information Paper can be viewed or downloaded there.

Feedback regarding the issues raised in the paper or any issues relevant to the future sustainability of the industry can be made in a written submission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.