RACING Victoria Limited (RVL) today announced that the recently released Metropolitan Club review conducted by Mr Lindsay Maxsted will form an important component of its analysis of the structure, cost and efficiency of racing administration in Victoria aimed at maximising returns to participants in the racing industry.

This analysis includes RVL, the three Metropolitan Clubs and Country Racing Victoria.

Regarding the recommendations contained in the Maxsted report, RVL makes the following comments:

Potential Industry and Club Consolidation

A merger of the Moonee Valley Racing Club and the Victoria Racing Club is supported.

Capital Resources and Master Planning

RVL considers that the more effective use of capital resources is of paramount importance.

Although this is essentially a matter for the Clubs, RVL stands ready to provide support for those plans that will add value to the industry.

Track Requirements

RVL agrees that at this point in time there is a requirement for four city tracks. Racing on city tracks is critically important to wagering turnover and consideration must be given to optimizing the use of these tracks.

It should also be noted that there are under consideration potential developments of additional racing and training facilities at locations close to Melbourne, such as Cranbourne, Pakenham and Ballarat, the re-introduction of synthetic track racing and the transition to more night racing.

Cost Reduction

The recommendation regarding shared services is supported although as this is already in operation between RVL, Country Racing Victoria, every country race club and Moonee Valley Racing Club, the suggestion of creating a separate shared services entity is rejected given the likely duplication and additional cost involved. Costing of the various options will be included in the RVL analysis.

Training Facilities

The principle of the provision and maintenance of training facilities being an industry cost is accepted provided the funding is based on agreed industry standards and is equitable and consistent across the State.

Sponsorship, IP and Media Rights

RVL welcomes the comments regarding the role of RVL in managing the industry’s IP in media rights and sponsorship.


Media Contact: Stuart Laing – General Manager Marketing & Development

M: 0402 066 216 P: (03) 9258 4815 E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.