THIS web-site continues to listen to what our readers have to say and has introduced a ‘Wednesday Whinge’ where you can express your feelings on racing industry issues of the past week. Try to keep them objective. Just e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
IT seems the items most concerning our e-mail contributors involve the politics in Queensland racing and concerns over what we are hearing from behind the scenes is happening at the Deagon bunker. Because of censorship of the media and support for the RQ Chairman from The Courier-Mail industry stake-holders are being treated like mushrooms on issues of major concern – kept in the dark and fed bullshit. Whilst this continues websites like letsgohorseracing will continue to pursue issues that we feel should be publicized. Such is the domination of the political scene in Queensland that the only real interstate feedback we received this week concerned the fiasco in Sydney racing where the major stables continue to treat punters like mugs and stewards seem powerless to do anything about it.
Here is this e-mail week’s selection with apologies to those who missed out.