COUNTRY Racing Victoria Chairman, Michael Caveny, said today’s decision to provide jumps with a future past the 2010 racing season was a proper recognition by the peak body RVL of the interests of all the industry stakeholders.

“Racing Victoria has taken on board the recommendations proposed by Mike Symons who represented the AJRA, CRV and other industry stakeholders.

"It’s appropriate that RVL listened to the industry and after considering the matter further took a sensible approach to continue to promote and foster jumps racing in this state”.

Caveny said: “It will come as a great relief to all jumps racing participants that their livelihood in the industry can be maintained”.

Country Racing Victoria’s CEO Scott Whiteman said: “CRV are delighted with the news and congratulate RVL on their decision.

"The conditions imposed are demanding and will require all sectors of the jumping community and the industry to work together more closely than ever before.

"CRV will expedite discussions with those country clubs that conduct jumps racing to ensure the meetings are well promoted and well attended. We need local support to ensure jumps racing and the clubs that conduct these meetings will prosper into the future.

“We have a number of details to finalise including an increase in the level of marketing support from CRV,” Whiteman said.

“It’s a very exciting time for jumps racing now that a continuation has been agreed to. CRV wishes to acknowledge the support of Mike Symons and all those shareholders and participants that contributed their time and energy into assisting the continuation of jumps racing."


MEDIA CONTACT: Darren Galley CRV Marketing & Business Development Manager 0438 537 152


THE Warrnambool Racing Club (WRC) is heartened by the decision of the Racing Victoria Limited (RVL) Board to agree to the potential continuation of Victorian Jumps Racing beyond 2010.

The WRC will aim to meet conditions outlined by the RVL Board after extensive consultation with Melbourne Racing Club Vice-Chairman Mike Symonds, who has been advocating the continuation of Jumps Racing in Victoria on behalf of the jumps racing community.

The conditions are: A reduction of the fatality rate by approximately 50% on last season (from 1.27% of starters in 2009 to 0.65% at 2010 season end) A reduction in the fall rate from over 5% to 3% of starters at 2010 season end A commitment to cooperate with RVL to increase the number of starters per jumps race. The target is for no more than 20% of jumps races to have less that eight starters (last season – 44%).

Warrnambool Racing Club Chief Executive Officer John Green said “These conditions are tough and will not be easy to meet. However, the RVL Board have given us an opportunity to continue to host jumps racing events beyond 2010 and we’ll be doing our best as a club to meet their requirements”.

Green said jumps racing was a major part of Warrnambool’s robust thoroughbred industry and would provide encouragement to those who rely on the sport for their income.

“Warrnambool and its surrounds house many trainers and jockeys that rely on their participation in jumps racing to provide for themselves and their families. RVL’s decision today has given them some hope”.

WRC Chairman Marg Lucas said that Mike Symonds efforts were crucial in obtaining today’s result.

“Mike Symonds leadership on this issue has been fantastic. We’re appreciative of the support that Mike, Country Racing Victoria, the Australian Jumps Racing Association and all industry stakeholders have given.

“This is a positive outcome and our focus must now move towards achieving these rigorous conditions. Our aim is to secure a rock-solid future for jumps racing and the Tabcorp May Racing Carnival”.


For further information contact: John Green WRC Chief Executive Officer 0419 625 413 Margaret Lucas WRC Chairman 0427 529 429


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