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RACING Victoria stewards have expanded to nine races their investigation involving top jockey Danny Nikolic.

Racing journalist, Adrian Dunn, reports in today’s Melbourne Herald Sun, that Nikolic and RVL chief steward Terry Bailey clashed heatedly when the inquiry continued on Saturday.

Here is the Herald Sun story, which we reproduce courtesy of Adrian Dunn and News Limited:

‘DANNY Nikolic and chief steward Terry Bailey have clashed as an investigation into the top jockey is expanded to nine races.

Racing Victoria stewards launched the initial inquiry into betting on a January 8 race at Mornington in which Nikolic's mount, $1.60 favourite Finishing Card, ran second.

Nikolic on Saturday levelled several accusations at Bailey, including leaking sensitive information to the media about the inquiry and trying to ruin his career, during a fiery confrontation in the Moonee Valley stewards' room.

Tempers became frayed as Nikolic and Bailey were locked in a lengthy and animated discussion before the first race.

Bailey called Nikolic into the stewards' room to give him a copy of a letter RVL stewards had sent to Nikolic's legal representatives.

It details Nikolic's rides on eight horses, dating from November 13 to February 10, as under investigation.

Bailey acknowledged the inquiry had been broadened, but would not elaborate.

"It's an investigation into betting activities on the (Mornington) race," Bailey said.

"In fairness to the people involved, that's where it sits. It may not go any further. We're investigating. That's it."

As the bombshell probe widens, the Herald Sun can reveal:

STEWARDS have asked as many as six trainers to attend an inquiry next week. Stewards have already spoken to some trainers about races under review.

ONE professional punter has been interviewed and stewards want to speak to another.

THE Victorian Jockeys' Association, furious with how details of the case became public, had requested as "a matter of utmost urgency" that it be concluded as soon as possible.

SEVERAL Betfair accounts have been examined.

PHONE and bank records of Nikolic have been provided to stewards.

Nikolic said yesterday he had done nothing wrong.

He admitted he saw red when he spoke to Bailey on Saturday.

"The whole of RVL knows about it. It's defamation of character," Nikolic said. "They haven't charged me, they haven't put anything to me, and all I read is how I'm supposedly caught in a betting probe.

"I don't bet. I don't have a Betfair account. I don't have a corporate (betting) account. I haven't done anything. I've got nothing to hide . . . I'm just sick of all this innuendo. I said to him (Bailey), `If you have something on me, charge me'."

EDITOR’S NOTE: This web-site has received over a dozen e-mails from punters throughout the country applauding the action of RVL chief steward, Terry Bailey and his panel. Most feel it is about time some members of the racing media stopped running the gauntlet and acting almost as defense lawyers for licensees in trouble with stewards.

As for allegations that Bailey has ‘leaked sensitive information to the media’ on the Nikolic case, some e-mail writers believe this is farcical and just a continuation of a campaign motivated from within the industry with the help of media friends to discredit Bailey because he is doing his job too well. One even suggested Bailey should immediately ask Nikolic to justify his serious allegationS or instigate defamation of character action against him.

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