Jenny - Clean

PROFESSIONAL punter Neville Clements was today warned off indefinitely from all Victorian racecourses with the decision likely to be reciprocated by other States.

Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board acting chairman Brian Forrest said the penalty would come into effect seven days after the delivery of the reasons for the decision. That is expected to take a week.

The Melbourne Herald Sun reports that Clements, 59, a former rails bookmaker, said he would appeal the RAD Board hearing. He made no further comment.

Earlier, the RAD Board found the stewards' direction in requesting Clements to provide mobile telephone records over a five month period was "lawful" and "made in relation" to the matter stewards were inquiring.

Forrest said stewards had established "an obvious" link for the request for the phone records of Clements and the inquiry.

Clements refused to provide RVL stewards with the original and complete records for five months beginning from September 1 last year.

RVL stewards are continuing investigation into 10 rides by leading jockey Danny Nikolic between November last year and February.

Stewards yesterday seized a mobile phone and computer from a country-based jockey. It's believed the jockey's number appeared on Nikolic's records that stewards seized and from which a forensic image was made.

The Herald Sun understands the jockey spoke with Nikolic on the eve of one of the races that stewards are investigating.

No date has been set for the inquiry to resume.


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