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IF there’s a question you have about the racing industry in NSW but you’ve always been afraid to ask it, fear no longer.

Racing NSW has today placed on its website a comprehensive Reference Manual, covering thoroughbred racing’s 200-year history in this State, current statistics on the industry, guides to major clubs and events, racing and betting terminology, and the histories of our most significant races.

“Racing in this nation began here 200 years ago,” said Racing NSW CEO, Peter V’landys.

“New South Wales led the way for racing then and it does today, with the launch of what I believe is the most wide-ranging online guide to the thoroughbred industry anywhere in the world.

“This will be a useful tool for the media, a reference work for participants in the racing industry, a source of information for racing fans and punters, and I’m sure it will be invaluable in settling many arguments and trivia questions.”

The Reference Manual can be accessed through Racing NSW’s website by clicking on the box located in the middle section of the home page near the bottom titled “Guide to Racing in NSW” and displaying the Racing NSW logo.

Or you may click on the following link - RNSW's Comprehensive Reference Manual

Mr V’landys said the Reference Manual would be a “living work” – constantly being updated, and open to contributions from the public.

“If there’s information you seek and it’s not there – or if there’s information you want to contribute, send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,“ he said.


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